[Forum] common words search?

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[Forum] common words search?

Post by DavideBarranca »

question related to the Forum itself (and not about PS scripting – I post here since there's no dedicated section).
Is there a way to search for words that the forum thinks are "too common"?

For instance, I guess I remember to have had a clipboard issue way way back when I and ps-scripts we were both younger :-) but I'm not allowed to get results because the "clipboard" word is too common – same for "copy clipboard", etc. Can I deactivate this filter (say, in the advanced search) or it's built in the Forum?

Thank you!

Davide Barranca

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Re: [Forum] common words search?

Post by Tom »

Hello Davide,

I just increased the common word threshold and rebuild the search index. You should be able to find the topics now.


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Re: [Forum] common words search?

Post by txuku »

Bonjour !

Super !!! :)