Image localization automation

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Image localization automation

Post by maxi »

How to create a script that from the attached PSD outputs 4 jpg's through Save For Web and Devices with the translations below.
These are:"Group name - Translation"

English - Faster processor. More storage. Now MacBook is better than ever.
it - Più veloce. Più capiente. Il MacBook è più in forma che mai.
French - Un processeur plus rapide. Plus de capacité de stockage. Désormais MacBook est plus attractif que jamais.
German - Schnellerer Prozessor. Mehr Speicher. Das MacBook ist jetzt noch besser.

And puts them in separate folders like

I've tried using this and modify it to use ExportOptionsSaveForWeb but it's not working.

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Mike Hale

Image localization automation

Post by Mike Hale »

my sample

Image localization automation

Post by maxi »

Mike, is it possible to have this script stay in the PSD and just create more text layers with the translations?