Creating scripts with nodes

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Creating scripts with nodes

Post by quantic »

Hello everyone!
I just registered, but I'm not new to this forum. I often read the posts on this forum when I was developing my plugin and couldn't find a solution to some problem.
So, I understand how difficult it is (especially for beginners) to write scripts for Photoshop. That's why I decided to develop a plugin that allows you to very easily, using nodes, program the action of Photoshop.
I named it ActionNodes. You can download it here:

This is a self-advertised post. I do not know if it is allowed here: I can not find forum rules. If this is not the place for such materials, then please delete my post.

So I'll explain a little about the details of how the plugin works.
There are more than 400 nodes but they don't cover all of Photoshop's capabilities (I've focused on layers so far).
Besides Photoshop nodes, ActionNodes have nodes for creating loops, checking conditions and forking execution, working with strings, and arithmetic nodes. You can also create and use variables in your actions. In addition, you can easily create a graphical interface for your actions using parameters.

You can try the plugin yourself - there is a time-unlimited demo version on the website. It is tested on the latest versions of Photoshop: 2021 and 2022.
Unfortunately, only the version for Windows is available so far. A version for MacOs will be developed later.
Also, you can watch lessons on working with the ActionNodes on the YouTube channel.

You can ask anything here about working with the plugin and I will be happy to answer you.

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Re: Creating scripts with nodes

Post by Kukurykus »

I didn't try it but it looks amazing! I saw in some other pro 3D graphics application nodes previously - good idea to adapt it to Photoshop ;)
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Re: Creating scripts with nodes

Post by quantic »

Yes, actually nodes are a good alternative for scripting. They are even used in such program-oriented software as game engines and, for example, Unreal Engine has no scripting language besides nodes.
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Re: Creating scripts with nodes

Post by Kukurykus »

At ActionNodes [Plugin Presentation] you were suggested to post information of your plugin in Photoshop Ecosystem. I went over there and found in your ActionNodes user profile only a ghost thread I can't access (when clicking the link). What happened it's not available for reading?
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Re: Creating scripts with nodes

Post by quantic »

They deleted my post "for advertisements".
They referred to their rules, although they are not very easy to find on their forum: ... -p/4788157
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Re: Creating scripts with nodes

Post by Kukurykus »

Did you tell them you have demo version - crippled one for free use to be allowed to post about your app over there?

That's not first time they do this mistake, just go there and explain your app can be used by everyone without paying.
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Re: Creating scripts with nodes

Post by quantic »

There is, and I wrote about it in a post, but it seems they don't care.
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Re: Creating scripts with nodes

Post by Kukurykus »

I know some of them who act this way, so you are right, slightly saying, but you can try showing them their own rules:

"If you're sharing information about a third-party paid product, please adhere to the following: It must be a service or product not offered already by Adobe, that fixes an issue that Adobe doesn't offer a solution for. Provide relevant context of why you're sharing it, and make sure it's directly related to the user’s question. Explicitly state that it's a paid product."

Just find user that needs something similar or alternative for actions (there are threads like it) and make a post ;)
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Re: Creating scripts with nodes

Post by quantic »

Oh, thanks, I'll try that. In any case, even if they block my account, I have nothing to lose there :D
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Re: Creating scripts with nodes

Post by Kukurykus »

How ever that sounds crazy better ask them first if you are allowed to abide with forum rules you have been given :P

Respect is not strong trait of some moderators over there - they're like evil robots to interpret rules in favour of self view of the matter :)