Still not receiving activation email

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Still not receiving activation email

Post by P2PInactive »

I'm trying to get my account here activated. I've tried a number of times to have the activation email sent to me but it never comes. I do check any and all "spam" folders but it isn't there, either.

The page says to contact the forum administrator but I cannot find a link to do this. When I try clicking on a moderator or admin profile, the page says I have to be logged in to view the profile. I can't log in because my account is not yet activated.

I'm pretty sure I had an account here a long time ago but I haven't logged in for a very long time and when I tried with the usernames and passwords I thought it might be, none of them worked. I tried having the reset password email sent for the old account but that never arrived. Possible reasons given were because I was banned (highly doubtful), inactive account, or not registered.

The username I'm trying to activate is Photons2Pixels The email address is

For what it's worth, I tend to have a lot of issues on many sites with this activation email not being sent or received. I have no spam filters set up. I get ever email that's sent to me, just redirected to various folders. Please advise on how I can proceed with this.

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Re: Still not receiving activation email

Post by Kukurykus »

I think that's because of spammers, the admin to avoid them, started to accept posts individualy, and probably new users accounts?

Re: Still not receiving activation email

Post by P2PInactive »

That may be what is happening. It's just a bit irritating to have to put in the confirmation code to post here. Most of them I can't tell what the letters or numbers actually are so I have to try multiple times before I get it right.
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Re: Still not receiving activation email

Post by Kukurykus »

Loll me too, to the last character I'm still not sure most of them are entered properly :)

However for me that happens now only when once for a while I write wrong login / password.
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Re: Still not receiving activation email

Post by johnmiltani »

That may be what is happening. It's just a bit irritating to have to put in the confirmation code to post here. Most of them I can't tell what the letters or numbers actually are so I have to try multiple times before I get it right.
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Re: Still not receiving activation email

Post by Kukurykus »

Bots are more and more intelligent, and admins tired of deleting their spams.