Open a window

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Open a window

Post by MIRYAMM »

Hi all

Someone can help me, for make a script to open a window or somethig, and
open the actions that I want.

Thanks in advance :oops:

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Re: Open a window

Post by Kukurykus »

win = new Window ('dialog' );

doAction('nameOfAction', 'setOfActions')
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Re: Open a window

Post by txuku »


You can consult this guide for dialogbox ! :)
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Re: Open a window

Post by MIRYAMM »

Thanks a million for the two.

I'm going to make, my script.
I Think, that I will need yours helps..

Best regards ;)
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Re: Open a window

Post by MIRYAMM »

I'm a dummy in scripts.
So, I'm testing codes, that I find, and I'm getting the results I need, and so
is impossible for me, put a code in this script for execute an accion.

I Need (on Click) open an action, for every image.

Code: Select all

// thans to txuku for  scriptui-2-8pdf (
var w = new Window ('dialog', "Would you like to run any ACTIONS?");
w.orientation = "row";

// IMAGES MUST BE SMALL EXAMPLE: 200px / 200px / 100 dpi

var f = File ("/C/Users/Esperanza/Desktop/SCRIPTS/Chrysanthemum.png")
w.add ("iconbutton", undefined, f ); // a
var f= File ("/C/Users/Esperanza/Desktop/SCRIPTS/Hydrangeas.png")
w.add ("iconbutton", undefined, f ); // b
var f = File ("/C/Users/Esperanza/Desktop/SCRIPTS/Koala.jpg")
w.add ("iconbutton", undefined, f ); // c
var f= File ("/C/Users/Esperanza/Desktop/SCRIPTS/Jellyfish.jpg")
w.add ("iconbutton", undefined, f ); // d ();
I have this script " thanks Kukurykus "
but I dont know how apply

Code: Select all

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Re: Open a window

Post by txuku »

A "iconbutton" search in the forum should give you a lot of results :)
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Re: Open a window

Post by MIRYAMM »

I've seen a lot of scripts, and I can't find , that I need. to adapt to my script
even with the help of scriptui-2-12-e-2017, there isn't reference, at least, I have not been able to see

Please Some help?

Thanks in advance
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Re: Open a window

Post by Kukurykus »

Code: Select all

grp = (w = new Window('dialog', 'Would you like to run any ACTIONS?')).add('group')

for(i = 0; i < (icn = ['Chrysanthemum', 'Hydrangeas', 'Koala', 'Jellyfish']).length; i++) {
eval("(ICN"+i+" = grp.add('iconbutton', undefined, File('~/Desktop/SCRIPTS/' + icn[i] + (i < 2 ? '.png' : '.jpg'))))\
.onClick=function() {for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) if (eval('ICN'+i+'.active')) doAction('LOGO '+(i+1),'LOGOS'), refresh()}")

w.add('button', undefined, 'Close').onClick = function() {w.close()},
An action and four images:
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