I use the following script to get the path to the active file in photoshop:
function getDocumentFullName(){
var f = app.activeDocument.fullName;
return "<string>"+f+"</string>";
In flex I am using that path to upload the file to a server. Problem is, that when the file is on the desktop the script is returning something like ~/Desktop/file.psd. How can I get the real path to the file in such a case? Is there some kind of list of the paths, that Photoshop is recognising in a special manner? What is the difference in Mac?
I am working with Win XP 64B, Photoshop CS4, Flash builder 4, Flex SDK 3.5.
Special file paths
Special file paths
This will get you the full os path to the desktop
Code: Select allFolder.desktop.fsName;
Code: Select allFolder.desktop.fsName;
Special file paths
So the trick was that I must add .fsName.toString(), to get the absolute file system path of the document. Thanx!
Code: Select allfunction getDocumentFullName(){
return "<string>"+app.activeDocument.fullName.fsName.toString()+"</string>";
Code: Select allfunction getDocumentFullName(){
return "<string>"+app.activeDocument.fullName.fsName.toString()+"</string>";