Image Processor Pro v3.0 beta released

Use this Forum for Beta-Testing your Photoshop Scripts

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Image Processor Pro v3.0 beta released

Post by xbytor »

I've released the first beta of Image Processor Pro v3.0 here: ... Pro/Betas/. It contains a bunch of bug fixes and adds a couple of new features. Note that I have not done any testing with PSCC 2014 at this time.

If you run into any problems or have any questions, either post here or email me directly. You can also let me know if it's working as advertised.

For now, I'm just posting an announcement here; I'll post a broader announcement at a later date.


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Image Processor Pro v3.0 beta released

Post by xbytor »

Beta version 1_107 has been uploaded to sourceforge.

A new flag ImageProcessorOptions.OVERWRITE_TARGET_FILES has been added to the script. When set to true IPP will always overwrite target files unless 'Save In Same Location' and 'Keep Original File' are checked. The default is false. You must edit the file with a text editor to change this flag. I may work this into the UI.

Image Processor Pro v3.0 beta released

Post by xbytor »

Beta version 1_109 has been uploaded to sourceforge.


- Fixed bug that prevented IPP from being called via executeAction in
another script.

- Fixed bug that prevented 32 bit images from being saved to png files.

Image Processor Pro v3.0 beta released

Post by xbytor »

Beta version 1_111 has been uploaded to ... Pro/Betas/ ... Pro/Betas/


- Added 'Selection From Bridge' and 'Current Image' to Input Panel.

This will be the last version to include new functionality.

Image Processor Pro v3.0 beta released

Post by xbytor »

I just uploaded beta 1_112 to sourceforge. There was a bug in reading option files.

Image Processor Pro v3.0 beta released

Post by xbytor »

Image Processor Pro v3.0 is now officially released. It has been tested for CS6+ but will likely work with earlier versions.
There are no substantive changes from the final beta release. ... 0Pro/v3_0/