AH NextImage 2

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AH NextImage 2

Post by Andrew »

Today I am re-releasing NextImage 2 and NextImage 2D (19 Jan 2007]. This is compatible with Photoshop CS / CS2 / CS3.

Bugfix released 1 Apr 2007

NextImage2 is a quasi batching tool. What it does is open the 'next' image, or images, from the previously opened image - sometimes this will cover situations that ordinary batching will not deal with eg.:

- where you are adding images to a folder over time and want to run a script or action on the new images as they come through.
- where you want to do a combination of manual adjustments and run actions / scripts on an image - thereby facing the problem of not being able to include a 'stop' within a batch script.

'Next' is defined as an image with a name that follows on numerically from the rightmost numbers in the name (eg IMG1001a.tif, IMG1002a.tif). If the next number is missing, it looks for the one after up to a limit of 100 more.

The script will also search for images in the 'next' numerical folder. So, if your top level folder is D100, if no image is found there the same image name will be searched for in D101.

So, if test100b.jpg was the previous image, it will look for test101b.jpg, if that does not exist it will look for test102b.jpg... right up to test201b.jpg.

The number of actual images to open can be set (1 image, 2 images, 3 etc or even 'all' images).


1. Define settings with ah-nextimage2R.js

2. Open each 'next image' with ah-nextimage2.js

If you want to open images by date rather than number use the date versions: set with ah-nextimage2DR.js then run with ah-nextimage2D.js

The 'R' scripts eg ah-nextimage2R.js are run when you want to define run parameters and identify the starting file:

Use Last Image (tick) or Open Image (untick): The Last Image definition from which the Next Image is derived.
- Last Image means the last image the script opened, regardless of whether it is still open or not.
- Open Image means the topmost open image.

Max Missing Image Number Jumps: if an image in the numerical squence is missing, how many skips to try before giving up, eg 11.jpg is 10 skips beyond 1.jpg.

Define Start Image as Current Open Document: this is how you define your Starting Image - it should be the image that you actually want open for the next run. Have it open in Photoshop first before you run the settings script

Of course sometimes you just want to change run settings but do not need to change the Start Image Definition - no problem, don't tick the box.

If there are any problems, or further requests, please tell me here.

There is a companion version that defines 'next' on the basis of file creation date or last modified date (thereby letting you work with files that are not named numerically, or for which the numerical content is not sequential).

Installation: drop all the files (but not the containing folder) into your Photoshop/Presets/Scripts folder.


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AH NextImage 2

Post by Andrew »

ah-nextimage2D.js is my file creation date / last modified date version of ah-nextimage2.

Note: the script only searches for images with the same extension as those of the target image.

There is a separate 'settings' script, ah-nextimage2DR.js that must be run when you want to define run parameters and identify the starting file:

Everything is exactly the same as for the previous script except this time you have to define whether you want to work with File Creation Date, or File Last Modified Date.

If you have any problems or feature requests let me know here.


AH NextImage 2

Post by Norbert »

Had no time to fully test it but It works. It goes to the next file availabe even if the numbers are not in order and it goes to the next folder. Great!
Will run it through its pases later to night. It's 1.30 AM in New York and I am still working on some Christmas Borders which have to be ready in the morning.

Looks like it is what is needed. Wait for a detailed info Later.
Will also look at the other one with dates.
Thanks so far.

AH NextImage 2

Post by wade »

Norbert wrote:It's 1.30 AM in New York

hey new york!

AH NextImage 2

Post by Norbert »

Run the script in various settings like "false" for save., Don't close the open Document. Set Numbers of files to 2.3.4 all work without any problem.The Alert is great too if no more files found, just hit Enter and it goes away.
If a consequential is missing no problem it opens the next one. It goes to the next Folder, finds and opens the files. No problem here neither.
With other words a great script.
Oh yes! it is very easy to change the parameters for a Non Scripter.

Here is a question.
Say I want to open all new images instead of setting it to a given number of 2, 3, etc..
Can this be done?

Next would be when inserting the compact Flash card it runs the script automatically. Too much , or can it be done?


AH NextImage 2

Post by Andrew »

I put the discussion on auto-loading from a CF card in it's own thread - it's a worthwhile separate topic on it own.



AH NextImage 2

Post by Andrew »

Would it be helpful to have a script that sets the parameters so you don't need to mess within the script itself, and so you can change them easily. I guess I could wrap it within a revised ah-nextimage2R.js


AH NextImage 2

Post by Norbert »

Would it be helpful to have a script that sets the parameters

Yes it would be helpful for others. I have learned a little bit to change them by myself, but there are way too many out there with no clue whatsoever.

You wrote the instructions inside the script very concise.

AH NextImage 2

Post by Andrew »

Hi Norbert

I've pretty much got the settings dialog sorted out but before I release it there's one thing I realise I am not clear on.

You've got say 2 next images on the CF card, you open next-image and there they are. The customer chooses the one they prefer.

What exactly do you do at that point. Do you delete the other one or what. And what do you do with the one they like. Do both end up closed with the reject deleted. If so how?

It occurred to me that if they choose the first image, you close the second and leave the first open to be closed by the next run of nextimage - then it will open the second back up. This suggests a minor modification to the script but I wanted to be sure I understood what you were doing before changing anything.

Incidentally, you mentioned tiling the images a while back - why not have them fullscreen but use Ctrl+Tab to switch between them.


PS I will be away most of today so this will get tidied up tomorrow.

AH NextImage 2

Post by Norbert »

What exactly do you do at that point.

Close the other one (no save) with F12.

The keeper is used this way:
An action resizes the picture put it on the clipboard and closes it with no save. The next step in the action is Open the graphic load the selection and Past the Clipboard INTO the selection. Now it is printed and closed (F12).
Nothing on the screen now because I use Tab to hide the Actions or have them hidden all the time and work with the F keys and their combinations.
Here is where I am trying your ah_script launch. with the actions because it closes when the action is run. This is a good step bacause it does not look like PS.

Other graphics need two, three or even 5 pictures this is way I set the script to "0". The action takes care of resizing puts it to the clipboardand closes it, open graphic loads the selection Pasts INTO goes to the next picture and so forth.

What the script could do is: Rotate all open pictures and when CS2 is used to tile them. CW and CCW should be an option so shoul taken this out all together with a clear description in the script on "how to do this"

I have over 100 designs with the actions and started to sell the packages
for $ 300 and have sold so far 8 in 6 weeks with only worth of mouth advertising.

Later when I am going to incorporate your or someone elses scripts I will of course make a deal and pay for every one sold.
To night your script will be baptized and run in production..
I would be willing to send you a disk so you can see and test.
Email me.