Align Image Helper tool for pdf pages

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Align Image Helper tool for pdf pages

Post by w_m0zart »

The script below is especially useful for quickly and accurately aligning pages in pdf documents. It is designed to work in conjunction with Acrobat and mimics the Photoshop rotate trick: put a line along something that should be vertical or horizontal. Click on menu item Image->Rotate->Arbitrary...

1. Save the script below as AlignImageHelper.jsx in the folder C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS2\Presets\Scripts.
2. Create an action which executes the script. Assign this script to your favorite key shortcut. I used for example F2.

For using this script do the following:
1. In Acrobat, at an unaligned page, while using the TouchUp Object Tool, right click on the page->Edit Image....
2. Acrobat sends the page to Photoshop. In Photoshop, press the key shortcut. The page will now zoom in at 200% and at full screen.
3. Draw a line on something that should be vertical or horizontal.
4. Press again the same key. Instead of zooming in again, now the scripts notices the drawn line and the page is rotated with a correction according to your drawn line, followed by a save and close.

Code: Select all// Filename: AlignImageHelper.jsx
// Photoshop jsx script. Platform tested: Windows, Photoshop CS2
// Written by Marc Nijdam, Okt. 2008
// Prerequisites
// 1. Acrobat: A pdf file with unaligned pages, like scanned bookpages.
// 2. Acrobat: TouchUp Object Tool selected
// 3. Photoshop: Create an action which runs this script, assign this to a function key. (e.g. F2)
// This script provides a quick way to straighten pages in a pdf document in a Acrobat.
// It could be part of a work flow when processing raw scanned pages in a pdf file.
// 1. Open a pdf document with Acrobat.
// 2. Search for pages with improper alignment. While using the TouchUp Object Tool, right click on the page->Edit Image...
// 3. In Photoshop invoke the AlignImageHelper script (e.g. Press F2). Your page is zoomed to 200% at Full Screen.
// 4. Draw a line for alignment along something that should be vertical or horizontal.
// 5. Run the AlignImageHelper script again (e.g. Press F2). The page is now aligned and saved back to Acrobat.
// This script mimics the Photoshop rotate trick:
// You select the Measure Tool, put a line along either an almost vertical or horizontal
// object on a picture, click on menu item Image->Rotate Canvas->Arbitrary...
// Due to some limitations the angle from the Measure Tool cannot be retrieved. Therefore this script uses
// the Photoshop line tool instead.
// Foolproof
// If there is more than one line at your image this script skips the rotating process and just quits.

// enable double clicking from the Macintosh Finder or the Windows Explorer
#target photoshop

// in case we double clicked the file

cTID = function(s) { return app.charIDToTypeID(s); };
sTID = function(s) { return app.stringIDToTypeID(s); };

function findAngle(){// This function mimics the mathematics behind the photoshop 'measure tool'
   var P1 = activeDocument.pathItems[0].subPathItems[0].pathPoints[0].anchor;
   var P2 = activeDocument.pathItems[0].subPathItems[0].pathPoints[3].anchor;

   var dx = Math.abs(P1[0]-P2[0]);
   var dy = Math.abs(P1[1]-P2[1]);
   var c = (180/Math.PI) * Math.atan(dy/dx); // c is an angle between 0 and 90 degrees
   if (c > 45){// correct for vertical object alignment
      c = c - 90;
// Angle should not depend on the order
// in which the line is drawn. So we are
// actually only interested in the slope.
   if ( ((P2[0] > P1[0]) && (P2[1] > P1[1])) || ((P2[0] < P1[0]) && (P2[1] < P1[1])) ){
   return c;

doMenuItem = function(item, interactive) {
   var ref = new ActionReference();
   ref.putEnumerated(cTID("Mn  "), cTID("MnIt"), item);

   var desc = new ActionDescriptor();
   desc.putReference(cTID("null"), ref);

   try {
     var mode = (interactive != true ? DialogModes.NO : DialogModes.ALL);
     executeAction(sTID("select"), desc, mode);
   } catch (e) {
     if (!e.message.match("User cancelled")) {
       throw e;
     } else {
       return false;
   return true;

function selectTool(tool) {
    var desc = new ActionDescriptor();
        var ref = new ActionReference();
        ref.putClass( sTID(tool) );
    desc.putReference( cTID('null'), ref );
    executeAction( cTID('slct'), desc, DialogModes.NO );
// debug level: 0-2 (0:disable, 1:break on error, 2:break at beginning)
// $.level = 0;
// debugger; // launch debugger on next line

if (app.documents.length == 0){
   // alert("You must have at least one open document to run this script!");
else {
   docRef = app.activeDocument;

   if (docRef.activeLayer.isBackgroundLayer) {// Image is in the background layer, no line has been drawn yet.
      doMenuItem(cTID('ActP')); // Set Zoom to 100%
      doMenuItem(cTID('ZmIn')); // Zoom in on time more. (200 %)
      doMenuItem(sTID('screenModeFullScreen')); // Show full screen mode (Exit this mode with pressing key 'f')
      selectTool('lineTool');// Select the line tool

   else if (docRef.artLayers.length == 2) {
      if (docRef.layers[0].kind == LayerKind.SOLIDFILL) {
         var angle = findAngle();

         // remove the line used for measuring angle

         // straighten the image

         try {;

         } catch (e) {

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Align Image Helper tool for pdf pages

Post by firestarter »

Very Nice. I'm just digging into photoshop scripting and am wondering. Is it possible to evaluate a curve at any parameter instead of just getting the point which are already defined? I would like to "bake' out a path or be able to get the tangent data which doesn't seem possible through the script environment... or is it possible?

