I have a funny problem. I have installed my Flex Photoshop plugin on 3 machines - one windows with photoshop cs4, one mac with photoshop cs4 and one mac with photoshop cs5. On the last machine the alerts and popups are buggy. The alerts doesn't show up. I see the plugin foggy, as it is an alert on the plugin, but the alert itself is not displayed. The popups are funnier. They show actually up, but do not update. I have some logic, that is happening without user interaction and it is showing some texts in the popup. But the popup do not change!
The machine that makes the problems is:
Mac 10.6.4
Flash Player
Photosop CS5
Flex SDK 3.5
I will appreciate any help. Thank you in advance!
Flex Alert and Popup problems
Flex Alert and Popup problems
The Problem with the popups was not a bug I have fixed it. Still the alerts are buggy.