Smart Object links panel

Flex, Flash & CS SDK Script and Code Snippets

Moderators: Tom, Kukurykus


Smart Object links panel

Post by energioz »

Hi everyone
first time here (and sorry for my poor english

there is a more efficient way to stay updated with versions of SOLP? "download page" or something different from forum discussion...

thanks a lot
best regards

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Mike Hale

Smart Object links panel

Post by Mike Hale »

I stopped supporting this panel a couple of years ago so there has not been any updates.

Smart Object links panel

Post by lamenace »

As the latest Photoshop still sucks big with his useless Place linked SO, I've decided to take few hours to update Links jsx file to use relative links instead of absolute.
If some of you wanna test the baby let me know.
Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Jun 05, 2017 4:05 pm

Re: Smart Object links panel

Post by Blokhead »

Hi lamenace, Linked PSD's still aren't great - how did things work out with your panel change? Could you share?
