ScriptUI Builder

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ScriptUI Builder

Post by LeshikSan »

ScriptUI Builder - script for fast creation of user interfaces.
For more information and download - see

Professional AI Audio Generation within Adobe Premiere Pro - Download Free Plugin here


ScriptUI Builder

Post by xbytor »

Looks interesting and all but who are you and what happened to Peter?

You have two profiles (here and at Adobe) that are one day old and you are posting
a link to a 'binary' application that you don't provide source for.

Call me paranoid, but I'll have to pass and let someone else test this out.
Paul MR

ScriptUI Builder

Post by Paul MR »

I have given it a try, but it requires a lot more work.
The editboxs for the canvas size only allows the size to be put in backwords!
Once the size of the canvas has been set and you add a panel the canvas size shrinks to fit the panel.
I gave up at this stage.

For me I wouldn't find it useful.

ScriptUI Builder

Post by txuku »

Hello LeshikSan


It would be nice to import an existing script to change the locations of elements !

ScriptUI Builder

Post by LeshikSan »

Paul MR
...who are you and what happened to Peter?
I'm author of this script.
Sorry, but who is Peter?

You have two profiles (here and at Adobe) that are one day...
On Adobe forum I had a different profile, but it's been a long time and I've already forgotten it.
I don't understand why I have to make excuses?

It would be nice to import an existing script to change the locations of elements !
I thought about it, but so far I do not know how to do it.

PS. Sorry for my English, I use Google Translate.
Mike Hale

ScriptUI Builder

Post by Mike Hale »

LeshikSan, welcome to PS-Scripts.

I think your script would be very welcome as many users want an easier way to create UIs. But like Paul I think that the script needs improvement. Do you want feedback from others on what we see as problems or feature requests?

ScriptUI Builder

Post by LeshikSan »

Mick, of course! I'll be glad to listen to all suggestions.

ScriptUI Builder

Post by xbytor »

...who are you and what happened to Peter?
I'm author of this script.
Sorry, but who is Peter?

My bad. Peter Kahrel's had mentioned this and another similar tool awhile back and it end up in my notes. I mistakenly remembered him as the author

Good luck with the tool. I'll try it out on my next project.
Mike Hale

ScriptUI Builder

Post by Mike Hale »

Here are some things I am having trouble with.

1. Like Paul I find that if you enter sizes using the keyboard instead of scrolling the numbers are entered in the reverse order 300 becomes 003. Also if you tab or move to another control the number I just entered is ignored.

2. I also find that some of the sizes change when you add children. The most noticeable is the dialog or win object. Even if the size is set adding any child to the window makes the window resize. Even if I go back and reset the window size again it does the same thing when I add the next child.

3. On my Windows XP system some of the dialog strings are clipped at the bottom. For example both string and var radio buttons in the text panel for win or panel and all the checkboxes in the code+ popup menu.

It would also be nice if in the options I could set my own prefixes for the different controls to use as defaults. For example I would prefer dd instead of ddList for the dropdownlist control.

ScriptUI Builder

Post by LeshikSan »

Mike, all your comments are valid. I will correct them.
Please send me a mail ( screenshots of all windows on Windows XP (I use Windows 7).
Thank you.