Adobe Bridge Error Message

Discussion of actual or possible Adobe Bridge Scripting Bugs, Anomalies and Documentation Errors

Moderators: Tom, Kukurykus


Adobe Bridge Error Message

Post by GHAM »

As far as scripts & scripting are concerned, I'm a babe in arms!

Quite out of the blue, when I launch Adobe Bridge, I am presented with the error message:
"An error occurred while running a script. The script may not be compatible with this version of Bridge. Check for available updates by selecting the Updates command in the Help menu.
Error in c:\Program Files\Common
Line 220: throw localize( "$$$/WAS/Store/err3=Error Reading
Storage Information: File Not Found");
Uncaught JavaScript exception: Error Reading Storage
Information: File Not Found"

As soon as I click OK, Bridge runs normally, so this problem is no more than an irritation.

Any solutions out there? I have, of course, run an update.

O/S: Vista Business, Adobe version CS2

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Adobe Bridge Error Message

Post by jackthomas »

sorry i am anble to help you... i am a beginner... so please...

can you able to tell me clearly about ps scripts

Adobe Bridge Error Message

Post by xbytor »

GHAM wrote:As soon as I click OK, Bridge runs normally, so this problem is no more than an irritation.

Any solutions out there? I have, of course, run an update.

Google is your friend:

Bob Stucky wrote:Something might have gotten whacked in permissions on certain folders. Please try this:

Go to the following folder:

PC - c:\documents and settings\[USER]\Application Data\Adobe\ScriptStore

Mac - [USER Library]/Application Support/Adobe/ScriptStore

Delete all the files in the folder, then restart bridge.


Adobe Bridge Error Message

Post by uhlicha »

Where do I download the adobe video editing software? I thought it came with photoshop but I guess not. I kinda need what ever this adobe thing is called, but I cant have photoshop and this thing. What is it called?
Mike Hale

Adobe Bridge Error Message

Post by Mike Hale »

Please make post in the proper section of the forum. This question has nothing to do with Bridge or errors.

To work with video you need Photoshop Extended. The standard version of Photoshop does work with video. You can download a trial version at the Adobe web site.