I would like to create an action for a colleague of mine.
In the "process" I need to select ONLY the "smart object" layers.
To do this I'm using the filtering option in the "layers" palette.
Unfortunately it works perfectly manually, but t isn't not recorded into the action.
Someone on Adobe's forum made a script but apparently we can only activate one "Smart Object" layer at a time.
So this script works, but it only activate 1 "Smart Object" layer.
Is there a way to modify the script that it activate ALL "Smart Object" layer present in the active document?
Thank you,
- Dimitri
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Here is the script:
Code: Select all
function smartObjectLayerSelect() {
var docRef = activeDocument;
// var idlayersFiltered = stringIDToTypeID( "layersFiltered" );
for (var i = 0; i < docRef.artLayers.length; i++) {
var LayerRef = docRef.artLayers[i];
if (LayerRef.kind == LayerKind.SMARTOBJECT) {
docRef.activeLayer = LayerRef;
// Do stuff in here
// docRef.activeLayer.opacity = 50;
// docRef.activeHistoryState;
alert ("I am an alert box! " + i);