bridgetalk has no constructor?!?

General Discussion of Scripting for Adobe Bridge

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bridgetalk has no constructor?!?

Post by richhelvey »

I had a script working last night that send some files to Photoshop, but today, I'm told that BridgeTalk has no constructor when I try to call:

bt = new BridgeTalk;


Anyone else seen this before?


bridgetalk has no constructor?!?

Post by xbytor »

One of the following should fix your problem. Somebody else may have a more precise solution.

1) Make sure you're running CS2 and not CS. (I've made this mistake more often than I care to admit)
2) Restart CS2
3) Restart the machine

One of the above has always worked for me. Then there is always:

4) Reset your CS2 prefs
5) Resinstall CS2

In otherwords, I've seen the problem I just don't exactly remember how I resolved it .