Solidfill and textkey properties of a textlayer

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Solidfill and textkey properties of a textlayer

Post by Dreamz »

Hi all,

I have written a script to extract all the properties of a layer and below is the code. I am having an issue with 2 similar text layers. If anyone could guide me then it would be great.

Issue - I have 2 text layers in a PSD file. Both these layers have color white and they have same color overlay blending options and color used in this is also white. So visually you will not find any difference unless the text content of the layer. But when I want to read the color value using the script that is I am reading the solidfill property, I am getting different values for both these layers. These 2 layers have same values for all properties except the solid fill-color and textkey. I want to know how these can impact a layer and is there another property which is causing this.

Layer 1
Text - "2"
color - (255,255,255) which is white
coloroverlay color - white
solid fill - color - (48.00,48.00,48.00) which is grey
Textkey - missing (layer does not have this key)

Layer 2
Text - "6"
color - (255,255,255) which is white
coloroverlay color - white
solid fill - color - (255,255,255) which is white
Textkey - textKey - Txt (psObjectType) = {{textKey = 6 ^ paragraphStyleRange = ....... TOO HUGE TO BE INCLUDED

Dim al As Photoshop.ArtLayer = psDoc.ActiveLayer
ref = GetActionRef(al)
LSD = GetActionDesc(ref)
If (Not LSD Is Nothing) Then
For i = 0 To LSD.Count - 1
Dim k As Integer = LSD.GetKey(i) 'get the key at index
LSDList = LSDList + tSID(k) + " - " + tCID(k) + " (" + LSD.GetType(k).ToString + ") = " + GetStyleValue(k, LSD).ToString +
End If

Public Function GetStyleValue(ByVal intStyleKey As Integer, ByVal AD As Photoshop.ActionDescriptor) As String
Dim objVal As String = ""
Dim key_type = AD.GetType(intStyleKey)

If (key_type = Photoshop.PsDescValueType.psObjectType) Then
Dim subAD As Photoshop.ActionDescriptor = AD.GetObjectValue(intStyleKey)
If (tSID(intStyleKey) = "color") Then
Dim dblRed As Double
Dim dblGrain As Double
Dim dblBlue As Double

If (subAD.HasKey(sTID("red"))) Then
dblRed = subAD.GetUnitDoubleValue(sTID("red"))
End If
If (subAD.HasKey(sTID("grain"))) Then
dblGrain = subAD.GetUnitDoubleValue(sTID("grain"))
End If
If (subAD.HasKey(sTID("blue"))) Then
dblBlue = subAD.GetUnitDoubleValue(sTID("blue"))
End If
'objVal(0) = "string"
objVal = "(" + dblRed.ToString + "," + dblGrain.ToString + "," + dblBlue.ToString + ")"
'objVal(0) = "hash"
Dim hashTemp As Hashtable = GetAllEffects(subAD)
Dim strEffects As String = ConvertHash2String(hashTemp)
objVal = "{{" + strEffects + "}}"
End If

ElseIf (key_type = Photoshop.PsDescValueType.psEnumeratedType) Then
objVal = "(" + tSID(AD.GetEnumerationType(intStyleKey)) + "," + tSID(AD.GetEnumerationValue(intStyleKey)) + ")"
ElseIf (key_type = Photoshop.PsDescValueType.psStringType) Then
objVal = AD.GetString(intStyleKey)

ElseIf (key_type = Photoshop.PsDescValueType.psListType) Then
Dim actionlistTemp As Photoshop.ActionList = AD.GetList(intStyleKey)
Dim hashTemp As Hashtable = GetActionList(actionlistTemp)
Dim strEffects As String = ConvertListItemHash2String(hashTemp)
objVal = "[" + strEffects + "]"
objVal = AD.GetUnitDoubleValue(intStyleKey)
End If
Catch ex As Exception
DisplayText("Following exception occured : " + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine)
End Try

GetStyleValue = objVal
End Function