ExtendScript Toolkit (editor) bug

Discussion of actual or possible Photoshop Scripting Bugs, Anomalies and Documentation Errors

Moderators: Tom, Kukurykus


ExtendScript Toolkit (editor) bug

Post by slehar »

In the ExtendScript Toolkit (editor) Data Browser window, when you click on a little [+] thingy to expand a property or method, the Data Browser jumps abruptly to someplace else (usually the top of the data window) which is very annoying when you want to click a bunch of [+] boxes in succession to delve into a structure.

This did not happen in CS3.

Also, another problem is the little pop-up window that appears as you type in the editor window, it only tells you what you already know and have typed, it does not help you with valid options for what to type next.

For example if you type "app", it shows [app: the application object]. I already know that! thats why I knew to type "app". Much more useful would be if it suggested what I might want to type next, for example

app.reflect ... etc,

those are the possible valid completions if I have already typed "app", I could just choose from that list, instead of having to pop over to the Data Browser (which jumps around annoyingly) to see what to type next.

Many thanks for an otherwise excellent programming environment!

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ExtendScript Toolkit (editor) bug

Post by Patrick »

It has been very problematic for me as well, I can't get the data browser to work at all in 64-bit PS CS4