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Light blue artboard guides – script for Adobe Photoshop CC 2017

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 4:31 pm
by alextul
The script that you see creates a cyan guide at the left edge of the layer (or document).
Cyan guides are always visible, and light blue hides when switching artboards.
I would like to change the script so that it creates a light blue guide instead of cyan. How to do it?
Cyan canvas guidesLight blue artboard guides

Code: Select all

//Select Active Layer  
var docRef = app.activeDocument,
activeLayer = docRef.activeLayer;
activeLayerCoordinates = activeLayer.bounds;

function traceGuide(guide) {
var orientation = '';

if(guide === 0 || guide === 2) {
orientation = Direction.VERTICAL;
} else if(guide === 1 || guide === 3) {
orientation = Direction.HORIZONTAL;


// Trace top guide
