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Xtools WatermarkUI giving this error in CS6

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 12:53 pm
by sbhar
Code: Select allError 2: Stdlib is undefined
-> WatermarkUIOptions.INI_FILE = Stdlib.PREFERENCES_FOLDER + "/watermark.ini";

Where am I going wrong. If I need to hard code something but from where?

Xtools WatermarkUI giving this error in CS6

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 2:57 pm
by xbytor
At the top of the file block of code:

Code: Select all//include "xlib/stdlib.js"
//include "xlib/GenericUI.jsx"
//include "xlib/ColorChooser.jsx"
//include "xlib/ColorSelectorPanel.jsx"
//include "xlib/PresetsManager.jsx"
//include "xlib/ShapesFile.js"
//include "xlib/PreviewWindow.jsx"
//include "xlib/Styles.js"

You need to change it to look like this:

Code: Select all//@include "xlib/stdlib.js"
//@include "xlib/GenericUI.jsx"
//@include "xlib/ColorChooser.jsx"
//@include "xlib/ColorSelectorPanel.jsx"
//@include "xlib/PresetsManager.jsx"
//@include "xlib/ShapesFile.js"
//@include "xlib/PreviewWindow.jsx"
//@include "xlib/Styles.js"

Through out the xtools/xlib files, I indicate file dependencies in this manner. The normal practice is to do the //@include declarations in the your top-level app script. See xtools/xapps/XWatermark.jsx as an example.
