Photoshop CS - Add Suffix to Filename

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Photoshop CS - Add Suffix to Filename

Post by Andrew »

ah-addsuffix.js adds a suffix to existing filenames. It can be run across a collection of files selected in the CS File Browser or it can be pointed at a folder and it will add the suffix to all files in that folder.

It will also remove suffix's where they are specified as '/removesomecharacters' eg '/_family' will remove _family from all you file names.

[to do later - limit the renaming to the specified extensions, also tidy up the script since it is doing a couple of extra things with xmp sidecars for my own specific purposes]


Place the file in the folder Adobe\Photoshop CS\Presets\Scripts and restart Photoshop if it is open, then run the script.

This script is very fast as it does not open the files it just renames them. However it does not distinguish between image files and other types of file so be careful when pointing it at a folder as opposed to using selections from the File Browser.


Photoshop CS - Add Suffix to Filename

Post by Andrew »

I have updated this script (use the link in the previous message to download the new version).

1. Previous settings remembered.
2. Checks for extension.
3. Wildcard extension - use '*'
4. Removed code that dealt with my own specific needs.
