Automatic toggle layer script

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Timo Autiokari

Automatic toggle layer script

Post by Timo Autiokari »

Maybe I should start to use version numbering. Once again I got great help from X and Mike Hale so I had to update the AutoToggle script again, now the dialog looks like this:

The behavior of the AutoToggle script is such that it toggles either:

1) the visibility of the Active Layer, -OR-

2) between two History States.

In case the History State was the last History State (in the History palette) at the time the script was started, then toggles the Active Layer On/Off.

In case the History State was NOT the last History State at the time the script was started (the user had stepped backwards in the History palette), then toggles between that current History State and the last History State.

When the Stop button (or the 'Esc' keyboard key) is pressed:

-if it was toggling the Active Layer then the original Active Layer visibility is restored.

-if it was toggling the History State then the _last_ History State is restored.

Timo Autokari